Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Can I Please Stay Awake for just another Moment

Life is just too good to be taken for granted
Feeling zombie-like cos it's 2 am
Doesn't stop me from penning this down
Though tired my spirit  leaps
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

It's not that you're feeling sentimental
Because the summer program is coming to a final
But with deadlines met and more time on hand
You feel so great and free like you can achieve anything
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

Looking around in amazement and wonder
The new friendships formed and the crazy laughter
The late nights in town in search for cheap delicious food
The wee hours of the morning spent in the park stargazing
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

The catching up on time spent apart from each other
When old friends meet and connect
"The story of my life" here it goes
What actually happened and what not
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

And then you begin to cast a foreshadow
If life right now is already filled with wonder
Then how many more in the future there'll be
The journey of life and all of its perks
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

The excitement of getting through a job interview
The first confession, first love, first kiss
The first attempt of cooking a full meal
The curiosity of what the future unfolds
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

For understanding a deeper revelation of His word
The indescribable God encounters ahead
His magnificent power exemplified in ways no man has seen
New miracles never heard or written in all of history
Can I please stay awake for another moment?

The young ones first word
Or maybe their first steps
The lingering in the lovers arms for "just a bit longer"
The way your gaze is fixated on the way they sleep
Can I please stay awake for another moment.....

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ain't That Easy...

Just like how the leaves on the tree outside
Brushes and rustles in all their green glory
Are not confused of what they are
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

Just like how the flowers grow
Bees and butterflies dance in their beauty
Exuding a naturally sweet distinct fragrance
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

Just like how an egg is an egg
Whether it came from a chicken, duck or dinosaur
The living creature inside knows full well of their own
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

Just like how a banana tree
Is not confused of what it breeds
Knowing it won't be producing apples or oranges
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

Just like how a hedgehog goes back to its hole
Unashamed neither confused by its spikes
Never comparing it with those of smooth exteriors
It aint't that easy to lose your identity

Just like a dolphin basking in the ocean
Mischievous, carefree, adventurous and playful
Yet not sharing our fear of great white sharks
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

Just like the four seasons
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
Neither are threatened but the either
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

Or how when a baby cries for mommy
At the sound of no one else but mom's voice
Assurance comes back safer than a security blanket
It ain't that easy to lose your identity

If babies, nature and prickly creatures
Are not worried of losing themselves
Amidst the seasons and weathering the storms
Than why must I?
Considering my Creator
When results, trouble, people and situations
Strip you of your worth, degrading you off value
Take a moment to look around
At all of creation and at the Creator
They're in no journey of finding their "identity"
They know who or what they really are
So just be rest assured and reminded by things that surround
And the One who made it all
It just ain't that easy to lose yourself....

Photo credit: Elanne Lim

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Overlooked Wonders

Amanda Cook from Bethel Church sang a spontaneous song- Wonder, and every time I find myself unsatisfied, tired or bored with life, I sing that song over myself, reminding my "knowing" that there is really wonder out there, His wonder. Reminiscing into free worship she sings...

"May we never lose our wonder,
May we never lose our wonder,
Wide eyes and mystified,
Let me be just like a child,
Staring at the beauty of my King."

And lately in Liverpool, I've been more aware of the "overlooked wonders" surrounding me. Minute details of everyday life, natural science evolving around me, creating wonders curtaining the scientific involvement of different matter, evolving through time and space, exemplified into the most simple outcomes most of this world has forgotten...

Like how the flip side of our pillow is always cold despite the many hours we lay our heads on it.
Or how head bands stay tight along your hairline for the whole day despite the size of your head.
How eggs can be cooked in so many incredible ways and still taste so good despite varying in matter.
Or even how fabric is formed with really tiny lines crisscrossing each other in becoming that t-shirt you're wearing.

Or how as a young adult I still see that same three stars aligned in a straight line as when I was a little girl.
How two people connect with intangible chemistry yet feelings so strong it moves them to take action.
How mathematical questions were formed with solutions, ending up in everyday education being solved by everyday students.
And how six strings on a guitar tuned right become harmonious with wooden keys on a piano.

How a dog connects with its master and friend, knowing when things are not right
How simple words from a loved one can make the hair on your neck tingle
Or even how unstable people can ride a two wheel bicycle stably
Or how the color of leaves can change with the season

How babies grow up to be six feet tall, changing in emotions, mindsets and physicality
How music heals the soul
How we cannot see God but know with all our hearts that He is there
And how we can hear Him in the most mysterious ways, through objects, movies and strangers

All these are but wonderful overlooked wonders... They're everywhere and anywhere. Sometimes we need to take a step back to see. While we're waiting at the traffic light, before we pen down our hearts in a journal, before taking that picture with a camera, we may never get the answers and solutions to all of them, scientifically proven but not scientifically understood by the laymen, giving us even more of the chance to marvel at creation.

No matter how old I grow or how long this journey takes, one thing I know, I'd never want to lose my wonder, of the wonderful things that surrounds. 

Photo: "Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day."- Shira Tamir #liverpool #leaf
"Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day."- Shira Tamir. (Now that's another wonder.)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Deadlines are not Dead Ends

Going through this intense period of a summer semester programme jam packed with syllabus and curriculums usually carried over a year, I'm beginning to see reality at its harshest. How students, falter, crumble and breakdown under the weight of these assignments and weekly deadlines. It's crazy, to see them first-hand and to  hear stories of how students are sinking deeper into this myriad of "to-do's", gasping for air, in desperate need for help and attention they do not seek. Not unlike the two suicide cases of what happened earlier this year in my college. It just brings back so much unwanted memories, and coming from the similar background of fighting depression, I despise the familiarity.

It's only hours ago that I was standing face to face with another relentless deadline, hands frozen due to the lack of blood flowing  in, mind numb due to the intense focus of submitting it on time, body tired due to the lack of sleep, eyes red and swollen due to constant straining between the laptop screen and the mountain of books... who said student life was easy? Even desperate times of rushing to the toilet carried guilt along with it.

This however, did not stop me from thinking about the rest of students, similarly working through the night hoping that something will come out of their effort. Yet there are those who gives themselves too high an expectation without the room for a breather or improvement, escalating the anxiety within themselves, making the fall even harder if or when they do fall. It's never a nice thought or feeling.

You see, I actually missed my deadline this morning (it's bad and I apologized) due to a technical malfunction in the computer system while I was submitting it. Everything within me froze, it was like life was blown out of me and all I could think was "what next" or "what now". This 'zombie effect' takes over and before you can say "it's gonna be ok", guilt, fear, anxiety and every other noun that goes along with that. You pray and pray harder, think and think harder, to come up with the best reasons or excuse to tell your tutor of why the late submission. I immediately sent my tutor (who happens to be the most coolest tutor I've ever known, she's a biker/rocker chick with a whole wardrobe of black leather and red clothes with bleached hair who happens to be half Spanish, half Japanese with a 'Dr.' title due to her research on 'Music and Sexuality' while gaining awards for it, I told you she was cool!) an email to apologize, but either the internet or my blackboard was down that even sending an email took ages.

You don't know what to think or do. I walked all the way to class even though it was a classless day for me just to apologize in person, praying and debating on what the outcome may be. The best scenario, she shows grace and gives me a chance, the worst scenario, she fails me and my whole degree would be doomed, along with the money, time and mental capacity that came along with me to UK.

The former happened, and for that I'm eternally grateful. I guess we give grace because we've received it and that was what she showed me. Her respect to her students is something I've never seen before, and her honour towards people just reflects her heart of gold. It's really hard to describe. I pray that she'll continue to be who she is, because she's definitely more 'Kingdom' than most people I know.

So here I am reflecting on this day of colourful events and it's not even evening yet. I guess though my mind can wander into a whole new dangerous dimension, when fronted with a kind act, can immediately come back to rationality. That life is not just about deadlines and setbacks, but about freedom, joy and as many 'second-chances' as you need. Isn't that what grace is all about? I got to witness a glimpse of it in the most unlikely person, kicking me off guard to see that God is and will always be present in every situation...

Pulling ourselves through this myriad of deadlines
We find ourselves sinking faster than we can say 'help'
Negative thoughts subtly invades
Taking over LIFE's joy, peace and rationale

Thinking we're not good enough
Comparing ourselves to the likes of others
We push ourselves into the walls corner
Helpless with hands in surrender

Only to realize that situations are not as perceived
That the power of what negative thoughts can bring
Is the control of power unlike any other
Permitting the 'killer' called depression to come and take over

If only we looked to our Higher Power
And to Him surrender
Our doubts, fear and negative thoughts
His presence taking over our inner demons

Being dead is not the solution
Was never was and never will be
Being alive we can bring resolution
To the many questions in this world lingering

So whether it's a deadline or a failure
A lost or the lack of satisfaction
Know that time can redeem
An eternal road and not a dead end

When you pull through and keep walking
Looking back you'll see
That that moment where it seemed insurmountable
Is just but a speck in your life's timeline

There's more to life
And there's more to you
You are who you are
And not what you do

So kick back, relax and chill
Take that moment of silence
Or go shopping and have fun
Life is what you make out of it

This I learned through the grace given
Broadening my perspectives and changing my worldview
I see that deadlines are not dead ends
And my worries are just but a tiny speck in His Kingdom of liberty

PS: Not saying that we should miss deadlines, but things would never go your way 100%, do your work, be on time (something I myself need to learn), but don't forget that there's so much more in this world when you turn away from your pen, books and laptop, and bask in the glory of natural creation, just like how it was meant to be in the Garden of Eden.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Most Perfect 'Mistake'

Turning 23 and coming halfway across the earth to study (well, I'd rather put it as an exploration or adventurous escapade but the technical and boring fact was basically for that 'normal' route we take to 'improve' ourselves career wise) made me realize, reflect and respond to my circumstance differently. Whether it's this 'aging' phase I'm in, stepping out of my shelter/comfort zone or being more attune to what God is saying or doing, I am actually beginning to see the clarity of where He is leading me through this journey we call LIFE.

I can't quite put my finger on when this 'thought' process started, but something about how God wrote my life's story is increasingly, intriguingly mind boggling to me.  You see, I didn't arrive on earth as scheduled with my parents calendric desires.  Instead, I was only due seven years later (this I reconfirmed with my mom) to naturally aging parents. In other words, I was way waaay overdue. I would like to think that my mom prayed, cried and fought for my arrival earnestly everyday but that would be putting words in her mouth, but nevertheless, my arrival was much waited for. A prophecy was given to her one night in a special church service about God wanting to bless her with a baby. The prophecy was fulfilled. And now, here I am, 23 years later, reflecting on the origin, historical context and God's finger prints all over my life.

It was just days ago when I caught myself thinking, if I really were to arrive as intended by my parents timing, I would be 30 by now! That's crazy! I won't even try to go there. To think what 'could have been' just makes me shiver in a ridiculously amusing way. Would I be settled down with three kids by now? What would I be doing as my career? Did I walk into God's intended destiny for me or faltered away from it along my way? Did I marry the man He knew was right for me? Or would I even ever get married? How would things have turn out if I did come out sooner?

Standing amazed, in awe and captivated by the beauty of my life process, I'd come to realize that there is nothing I need to do to make myself feel anymore valuable and worthy than I already am. I've grown to love myself and appreciate the precious 'moments' in which God has blessed me with. As in the beautifully scripted words of John Green, "The definition of humanness is the opportunity to marvel at the majesty of creation", it is only right now that I realized that I am part of creation and therefore I can and should well marvel at myself  too. The possibilities for this insight goes beyond the universe! (If only someone was hipster or cool enough to invent a new word which embodies "indescribable", "unthinkable", "unimaginable", "crazy" and "out of this world" all mashed up in one because) It's just so hard to put it in words. I was made for this! My ligaments, tendons, bones, flesh, muscles and atoms were fearfully put together to create wonderful me! It's so complex yet so simple, making it really hard to understand.

It's like two days ago when I went to get my name printed on a personalized special edition coke bottle. When the bottle with my name and surname came up from the machine, I was too in awe that I didn't want to 'pollute' it with my unworthy finger prints until I almost lost my chance because the machine started going back down, taking my bottled name along with it! The coke personnel and I were like "yikes! Quickly, just grab that thing out of its nozzle!". A good firm yank was all it took and there in my hands was a coke bottle, creatively and specifically personalized, unlike any other coke bottle in the entire world. That, and my finger prints all over it. I guess when I see myself with such infinite value, knowing that my life is worth someone else's and that God's finger prints are all over it, I find myself thinking,

"What better place to be than safe and secured in the hands of the One who made me?"

I look around and look intently. At my family, friends, situation and circumstance in which led me to where and who I am today and I cannot be more grateful. What seemed to look like an honestly 'late' mistake in my book is equated into the most perfect thing ever. He made me in His own timing and logic and with that I will continue singing my praises to Him in to all of eternity. My soul will bless His name for even more than a thousand years. All that has been written in different chapters of my life's book amazes me. The highlights, down sides, exuberating joy and merciless depression, the first day of kindergarten or when our little play slide got caught on fire, to moving to another far away state for five years and then coming back. The relationships established, friendships created, experiences documented and lessons mastered. WOW. To continue, the years back home and then going back to the land across the South China Sea to further studies, the titles won and the opportunity to speak to thousands. DOUBLE WOW. Taking leadership roles, leading nightly prayer meeting and hearing how you changed the lives of others. TRIPLE WOW. And then to go to a church which opened a whole new dimension of the supernatural and how I viewed spirituality with the desperate need of mind renewal. QUADRAPLE WOW. And here and now where I stand on the land of the United Kingdom. What can I say? Enough of 'wows', this is just CRAZY!!! How did I have the ability, capacity or financial stability to end up here?!?

This just goes to show that it's not just me, but God having a huge role as the great Author of my story. Allowing me to arrive seven years late is something that I would be eternally grateful for. Of course, it would also have been a blast but I was just telling this to my friend and she said "you might as well have been my sister's friend" whose wells settled with a beautiful child now. The thoughts could be as wild as they can get!

So here I want to thank God for creating me and this beautiful life and the 'bonuses' that comes with it. Thank YOU (yes, you the reader) for being part of this amazing adventure, because something, somewhere, somehow have led you to this site, thus proving that we've somehow crossed paths in a mysterious way. To all my friends and family, you don't know how much your presence in my life means to me. Words will fail miserably in comparison to how my heart soars right now while writing this.

Gone are the days where I wished I was born in the Bible times or earlier where things were easier without mediated technology. I have come to appreciate my present moment and existence in the here and now. Go read Esther 4:14 and Psalm 139:14. You were made in perfect timing through marvellous workmanship, what more could you ask for?! And it gets better..

If you feel more like a 'dirtbag' or 'crap' more than 'gold', just know that dirt is the only one component in the  whole world (besides cotton but that's just for primary school bean sprouts) where seeds can be planted. Put seeds in gold and what do you get? Come back days later and see the same seed infested gold you placed! Nothing more, nothing less. But God made us through dirt and there must be more of a metaphorical explanation to that or He'd be an awful designer. I mean, heavenly streets were made of gold but 'us' His most valuable creation-dirt? It does not equate! So go ponder on your value in which perfect seeds were invested upon.

I can go on and on and on and on and on about His goodness and greatness! From attending Hillsong Conference to having well known people taking notice of me, I realize this is just part of the perks He's giving to me. And I bet there's way more where that came from! And same goes to you!
So live life, loving it! Continue to marvel at creation (including yourself) and the beauty of everyday simplicity. Hold on tight until your knuckles turn red because He is just gonna blow you away!!!!!!

For now, I'm just glad that God made the most perfect 'mistake' ever in presenting me to this world later than my parents desires. COS THIS IS THE LIFE!!! And I cannot imagine it any other way... So look around and spot these wonderfully 'disguised' blessings that are about to come your way! Tirrah!

The little play slide me and my sister set on fire. Photo Credit: Jared Chong
(Can't believe it's still alive! Thanks for capturing this nostalgic piece Jared! So much memories!)

The one and only name and surname in scripted Coca-Cola bottle!!!

My new album cover. (Kononnya!)