Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Revelation of His Goodness

I'm being so overwhelmed by the goodness of God in these last days that it's just blowing my mind of how such a good God He is and that He enjoys seeing what we enjoy. Been joining Cheer here and even as I'm practicing, I'm like "What is life?!!" screaming in my head! hahaha... Watched all the "Bring it On's" as a young girl and being part of a cheer squad seemed like a faraway or even impossible dream just cos the Cheer community back home comes nowhere near the US. And then there's a cheer squad here in BSSM and I just can't fathom the chances and opportunities, God is offering me. He doesn't see secular or sacred. He doesn't compartmentalize the things we love under spiritual or "nonspiritual". He just loves to see His children enjoying the things we love. We were wired and created in His image, and our love for dance, music, maths or science was of original design by Him and through Him. We don't prioritize the arts back home just because it doesn't "make enough money" to sustain a family but I'm starting to see the arts in whole different light. God made me for dance not cos He wants to "use" me on stage, but cos it's our "love language". He's constantly dancing over me and what can I do but not withhold my praise? He is really blowing me religious box time and time again here in BSSM and for that I'm forever grateful. God, You're just too good. I loveYou.

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