Monday, July 14, 2014

Brouha What?

This annual dance festival slash NGO
Serving and connecting the community

Loving dance from a very young age
Never have I dreamed that I could be a part of this
With a background of ballet and a little hip hop
Little did I know that life would come up to this- a wonderful halt.

It never occurred to me that along with my summer semester program
Would be bundled up joy, laughter, dance and fulfillment
Crazy costumes, wacky dance moves and giant stick men
Along with thousands of internationals

This three week parade in different locations across Europe
Brings different dance genres together
From street to African to acrobatics
Traditional, tribal and stuff you've never heard of

Putting on the hand made costume
Getting the team together
Dancing with the drum line before us
And stereo truck behind us

It's all so incredible
More indescribable
I could go on and on with my babble
Cos the mark is so indelible

It's like "wow"
I'm a part of something so huge
Not standing by the street side
But on the other side- the inside

To learn the dance moves and be back in the dance studio
Has already been a great experience in itself
But to dance on the streets and twirl with strangers and children
Really creates a special bond

A bond that goes beyond language
Where dance becomes the tool
To connect, engage and live for
I'd like to think that dance makes the world go round
(Along with music and moves and all that goes with it)

I wished there was another Brouhaha this year
But sadly we'll have to wait for the next year
Oh! did I tell you? Malaysia was invited too!
Four awesome dancers flown in bringing Malaysian pride

Even more grateful now that God created us with limbs
Flexible enough to do unimaginable things with
Moving to the rhythm and sound
I bet He was dancing too as He watched us dance

Can't wait for that eternal party!
Where there will be a million times the fun, partying, dance and laughter
I bet there'll be even wackier costumes
But for now I'm more than satisfied with my Brouhaha!!!

Practice time!!!

Not missing out on the football fever!

Finally the day has arrived!

Working the "tribal" look.

The giants!!!

Our Jamaican dance instructor!!!

Our fellow Malaysians adorn in traditional costume who also got featured in the front page of the newspaper!

In our places at the parade! So excited its starting soon!

After party where the dance fest continues at Princes Park!

With other dancers from Spain! Wearing all black similar to them made me feel...... AMAZING!!!

One of my favorite moments at the end of the festival.

Her joy depicts my heart and therefore my heart is full.

PS: I realized you don't have to be a race car driver or a famous celebrity to feel ecstatic, content, honored or appreciated. You just have to be yourself and be proud of it (as cliche as it may sounds). Do what you love and love what you do. You'll find that amazing feelings and experiences comes along with it minus the negative tabloid gossips and merciless paparazzi's. And soon the greatest "celebrities" you'll find, are really those around you.. because they know you. Tirrah! 

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