Monday, September 7, 2009

Never box Him up

Sometimes we tend to box God up. He is almighty God, creator of the universe but sometimes we still see Him smaller than the famous, like the Queen of England or Michael Jackson. Just watched "The Oprah Show" last night & a crew went into her 484,000 square ft palace to get a glimpse of her life, and oh how majestic it was. Or another example like looking at Michael Jackson perform, its just amazing with the talents he has! But our God created them, and is way bigger and better than them, yet He's not getting the credit He deserves. So thought I should put my thoughts on paper:

Oh how we serve a majestic God
Yet He isn't getting the credit he ought
Stars like Miley
Getting more highly

Fans scream and shout
At concerts and matches
While we're here having every reason to shout
About our God, oh He'll be so proud!

But we still am quite
while fans rock the stadiums
Are we ashamed or afraid?
Of the One who was slain?

People cant have a normal conversation
with even the Queen of England
Yet we have all day with our King
But why aren't we speaking?

Michael Jackson was a legend
But it stops there, that's right, The End
For even now the King of Pop
Has to bow down to the King of Kings

So lets not box God up
For He's there high up
Looking down on creation
Us, the very people He created

Expecting us to be undignified for Him
That we may scream & shout at the top of our lungs
For all the goodness He has done
Sadness in Him there's none

Lets thank Him with all our hearts
For not just being a King
But also a daddy and friend.
Which is no reason why we should box Him up!


Anonymous said...

heya hun,
just read your blog..
wow the poem sounds really good.
its honestly so so great to see you so fired up for him..
continue to write, cus uve got a talent.

love lots hun
will check it out whenever i come on alright?

JuChen Tan said...

you saw oprah visiting the palace? omgosh!! i missed it, i wanted to see :(

Tricia said...

Thanks Jin! means a lot! thats why now i'm thinking of journalism. still donno what i wanna do... whats your blog add? i should check it out too=)

haha.. did you see the advert of that episode of Oprah? really huge her palace.. got 300 over workers and everything! her house soooo big, so my friend says guess she doesnt walk much..haha. just go where she needs to cos is totally huge!

Anonymous said...

heya hun..
i dont blog ae, cus im still reall old school and i write in journals. haha jst cus i never stick to a blog whenever i do have one. so its pretty much pointless for me.. keep it up hun.