Sunday, January 4, 2009

The working Life

First it was like you always wanted to be an adult and working like an adult...
But when the time comes, all you wanna do is to be like a child or a youth...

Always staring at the adults and wishing you could have all they have and all they can do.
Freedom, time, friends, money....and all the great stuff we 'kids' don't get...

But as the time comes for me to be an adult and to act like one makes me more than i think it was...
gotta use my own money, drive my own way around, put my own limits and stuff like that...

But all i know is that God is there every step of the way to guide me and help me grow....
And my SIS too...XD not forgetting my mom, aunt, uncle, auntie, friends, far relatives....
and now i get to talk crap!!! hahaha
good luck writing!!!!!!!!!

PS: this is from my sister deb when I left it there to do other stuff.... Only had the chance to type the title, talked to my yiyi on the phone, came back and this was might as well just post it!

1 comment:

Henry Lee said...

the both of you are just unbelievable! super funny siblings :)