Saturday, January 21, 2012

Someone so Beautiful

I was taking my shower when this thought came in as I was singing to a song "Indelible" by Brooke Fraser Brooke Ligertwood. It's a very beautiful song which slipped my mind for a couple of months but being in awe of who God is, this song brought back revelation of the greatness of Him. The pre-chorus goes "how could Someone so beautiful, feel something for me...", and the moment I sang that line I just saw this picture of me somewhere in a magnificent wide forest with streaks of blue in a dark night's sky, gazing up at the stars and seeing a glimpse of my Creator. Something so beautiful, indescribable, that makes me breathless. Then I think again, seriously, how could someone so beautiful feel anything for me? This small girl sitting here not having a clue of what the next part of her life would be. Yet He cares so much and wants to be involved with this tiny little thing (me). It just amazes me and keeps me knowing although it can be VERY unbelievable that my Father God in Heaven really cares about me! He who spoke life into living beings, the stars twinkle at His commands, mountains and seas parts before Him giving Him the honor He deserves, and flowers so beautiful dressed in the finest colors which makes the mixing of colors in a palette so dull. So huge and magnificent my God is. The song's true meaning came to life in my thoughts and deep down I am rest assured that no matter what comes my way, I am safe and sound in my Daddy's arms. And that's just the beauty and plus point of having a relationship with 'Someone so Beautiful'.......

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