Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A great discovery

We've been friends for not very long

Just sang some songs

And got along

Too bad a week later it's goodbye, so-long

But I do hope this friendships will last long
For it's not often when a great bunch comes along
Get to know them for a week
And it's laughter and God, together we seek

Took time for us to bond
But after the warming up
It's a whole different kinda story
For it's something like a mark in history

If it wouldnt be for their missions & our camps
We would have never been friends
But now we are and its oh so fun
Just like the pink rays of a bright shining sun

They thought us the words
"BoOmZ" & "SHinGz"
And it's not just the words that ring
But craziness we share in our clique

We danced in the airport
And made a video of some sort
Having fun together
Sharing the same faith making it even better

Even the older ones are as cool
Never seen such sporty adults
Dancing with us
Not caring bout witnesses
(witness as in strangers/passerbys witnessing our funny scene)

I'll miss them a lot
I miss them already
But I'm sure I'll get to meet them
Oh I cant wait for that moment

For the past week was great
Being wacky and all
We still spent quality time with the One above
Making us feel from the inside out- LOVED

I met wonderful people
Heard wonderful experiences
Laughed a whole lot
And cried pretty much too
(But its the good kinda crying)
Made friendships
And cultivated them
Shared our same faith
And played fun games
I'm thankful to God
For giving me all these
Making me remember
His wonderful blessings

And I cant sum all this up
The friendships
The laughter
The jokes
The conversations
The claps
The smiles
The faith
The memory captured
The joy
The food
The photos taken
And also the
"As long as it's for God,
I don't really care what people think" attitude
(refering to the scene in the airport=D)
I cant help but say
It has been


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