Monday, August 22, 2011

Making My Day

My mom and I have this special "something" not a lot of mother-daughter relationships have. Its a norm to be talking on the phone with her for 1 to 2 hours. Every time I have news, whether good or bad, mind-boggling decisions or spiritual doctrine I can't figure, she would be the first one on my mind I wanna share them with. I am humbled that God has blessed me with a mom like that. 

Another hour has passed
Wow, did we actually talk that long
But for what its worth
It is worth every bit of it

I tell her the exciting things in my new church
My skepticism erased by the assurance of her faith
That I'm in the right church at the right time
We both wonder why I wasted a year
But she confirms that it's all in God's plan
Because 1 year of hopping, searching and looking
Will just bring more evidence and confirmation
To the place I'm attending right now 

She tells me the new things God's doing in our home church
I stand amaze at His wonders
She's gonna be a great vessel
Strongly used by God
Sometimes I feel sad and cheated 
That my family is doing "everything" and all things
Because our church is fairly small
In every ministry, you name it
I ask her whether its heavy
(especially with me gone, but then I'm reminded no ones indispensable)
She says its not
So I believe she's doing it right for God
For she's so far not burnt out

We both discussed about my sister's future
What she is doing
And where she will study
(proud of her btw, fasting 12 hours a day, seeking God's will)

My mom said that sometimes she wonder
As she sees my sis and I struggle
In areas like finance for our studies
Unlike others who can study whatever they want
Wherever they want
My sis and I have to think through thoroughly
Cos funds are just not on our side
But when she sees my sister fasting from 7 to 7 everyday
She thanks God for the situation we're placed in
That this kinda stuff forces us to seek God out
And ask for His guidance and provision
And naturally we're building on character in godly stature
And she has to worry no more

For she would rather me and my sis
Be built upon the will of God 
Then be spoiled and spoon-fed
That as we go through what seems like "hardship"
We're forced to be attuned to God
And seek His will for our lives
Cos we God ALL things are possible
And just trust that His plans for us are always GOOD

We ended our conversation praying for each other
I cherish the moments we do
And she said every time I call her I make her day
And that goes the other way round too
Cos every time I talk to her I feel lifted

Thanks mom
For Making My Day

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